Wednesday, September 7, 2011

New week in the lab

Started with my K-1 crowd by reading the book "The Dot" by Peter Reynolds. I then modeled  the KidPix program and showed them how to make their own dot and decorate it. Then came time to put them on the computers and draw their dot. Oh Lord! Some of them had everything but a dot! The students that followed directions were able to print their dot and they were put on the wall outside the lab. It was way more chaotic than I thougt it would be.

Next it was on to my 3-5 students. I gave them an Internet Scavanger Hunt worksheet about hurricanes. I modeled how to type in a web address and navigate the site. Good grief! About a third of them didn't understand the assignment! I had to type the address in for them after  I explained a gazillion times,"Type it in the address bar EXACTLY like you see it on the worksheet." How hard can that really be?? I guess I'll tweak the lesson for the rest of my students on Thursday and Friday. Apparently they are not as "tech-savvy" as I was hoping for. Oh well....tomorrow's another day. Breathe in..Breathe out..get through it!

Monday, September 5, 2011

What was I thinking?

After 13 years in the public school system, having numerous jobs, I was handed the job of my dreams! Or so I thought... I am now the Computer Lab Facilitator at my school. I have wanted this job for years! Well, now it's mine (thank you Mr. Williams!) and I am clueless! There has been no one in our lab full time for the last 5 years. I have to start from scratch figuring out what to teach Kinders through 5th grade. HUH?? There's not a lesson plan, an idea, a book, NOTHING to help. It's sink or swim time now.

I started off doing a ton of research on the internet and found a wonderful site called Elementary Tech Teachers. That site was and continues to be a great source of help for me. There were lesson ideas, tried and true methods for grade level teaching, websites, and much more. I thought this would be a piece of cake. WRONG! The workdays went by too fast and you know, it doesn't matter how much you have planned, you are never ready to teach your first class ever!

I did manage to make it through the first week of school with a modicum of sanity but it's going to be a looong year! 

Oh yea, I did manage to survive an earthquake and hurricane in the same week. There is HOPE after all. :o)